Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Prioritizing Resident Satisfaction: RFID in Gated Communities

Why do people choose to live in gated communities?
According to one study, since the 1970s the number of gated residential communities in the United States has increased drastically[i] and continues to grow.

People choose to reside in gated communities for added security and peace of mind, not to mention superior property values. An exceptional gated system alone can increase the value of a single-family home by $50,000 or more.[ii]
Evidently, as the American population expands, the housing market has experienced a concurrent demand for properties in gated residential areas.

What are potential drawbacks associated with living in a gated community?

Frustrated residents are dissatisfied residents
Nevertheless, there can be certain inconveniences associated with gated communities, both for residents and property managers. For instance, entry gates that require users to manually punch in a key code, or stop while a guard verifies their ID, can be both frustrating and time consuming. The practice of stopping a vehicle or rolling down a window can even pose a safety risk in some circumstances, for example, when returning home late at night.

Especially during busy hours, vehicle queues can stretch off the property and into the street. Residents may get frustrated trying to enter their own community. Furthermore, any gated community conscious of its environmental impact knows that lines of idling vehicles will have an adverse impact on its carbon footprint.

A better solution provides convenient, hands-free access for residents
From a management perspective, the need to stop a vehicle for manual entry can greatly increase maintenance and damage costs. Cars are far more likely to run into entrance bollards if the driver is forced to present an ID or type in a code through the window. Long wait lines tempt drivers to “tailgate,” or follow an authorized vehicle closely through a gate to save time. More often than not, this practice results in clipped gates that can take a long time to repair. All of these costs, of course, increase expenses and decrease resident satisfaction.

How can RFID benefit both the residents and managers of a gated community?

Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, offers a streamlined solution to these common challenges. A system of RFID Readers and Tags (transponders) allow a vehicle to approach an entry point, have its credential automatically verified, and trigger the gate to open—without even stopping the car. Integrated with a gated community’s existing access system, an RFID solution can:

1.       Eliminate the need for security guards at entry/exit points
2.       Offer residents hands-free, secure vehicle access
3.       Result in exponentially more efficient vehicle throughput, especially during busy hours
4.       Allow managers a greater measure of oversight and control
5.       Reduce annual damages to gate systems
6.       Offer separate lanes for visitors and authorized residents, streamlining access for both
7.       Virtually eliminate tailgating

For these reasons and more, RFID is an exceptional solution for gated community applications. As the number of Americans living in gated communities continues to grow, demand for such systems will, too.

To learn more about how an RFID solution can work for your gated community and see examples, visit www.TagMasterNA.com, or call the TagMaster Team at 253-238-1421.

[i] Chris E McGoey, www.crimedoctor.com
[ii] Ibid.